
NE MPLS (Minneapolis) is a place of artwork, beer, and a rich culture that is different from the rest of MPLS. Taking a cue from the podcast 99% Invisable, I move for a symbol that is simple to recreate, and is easily identifiable to represent NE MPLS.

An unofficial flag to unify the NE MPLS neighborhoods (Audubon, Beltrami, Bottineau, Columbia, Holland, Logan, Marshall, Northeast Park, Sheridan, Saint Anthony East, St. Anthony West, Waite, and Windom) as a unique identity.

There does exist a NE MPLS flag. However, it is not easy to recreate, and does not carry any easily identifiable symbolism to link it anything.

Taking the advice of the North American Vexillological Association, a good flag should follow these principles:

  1. Keep it Simple
  2. Use Meaningful Symbolism
  3. Use Two to Three Basic Colors
  4. No Lettering or Seals
  5. Be Distinctive or Be Related

I believe this flag design follows these principles.


A field of green with a single vertical stripe in the middle, with a single star in the upper-righthand corner.


Green: the land
Blue: the Mississippi River, which cuts through the city
Star: NE Minneapolis in relation to the cardinal directions

Example of the flag as an escutcheon.

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